1:1 Somatic Therapy Session

Get in touch with your body, unpack what it has been storing, and unblock your healing

Whether we are are fully conscious of it or not, we all wish to unpack the events of our lives, reframe thoughts and sensations from the past to feel lighter and make room for newness.

More often than not, the only mediums we know of to do this are verbal storytelling and problem solving, which leave out a really important step of the "unpacking": the body.

We can spend a very long time running through concerns in our minds, with little to no feeling of satisfaction and that's because it's still stored away in the body.

Sounds familiar?

• Thoughts you "solved" many times logically still race in your mind?

• Patterns and responses you worked on adjusting won't budge?

• Persistent pains or physical discomforts that you can't understand?

• A "fixed" diagnose or health treatment that doesn't quite sit right with you?

If you've been on this boat, there's light at the end of the tunnel! Addressing this from the mind only won't cut it, dropping into the body somatically will.

Chat about it with me on an introduction call

The body is constantly indicating to us when there is a piece of the puzzle missing – it's always playing in our team, even when we can't tell.

Can you imagine what it would feel like to finally understand what your body has been guiding you towards?

What would your everyday look like when your concerns become your most valuable set of integrations?

you have all you need at your fingertips •

you have all you need at your fingertips •

your body is ready to be tapped into whenever you are! The problem is most of us haven't been taught how, but i can help.

Get in touch with your body, unpack and feel what it has been storing and finally unblock your healing process.

to bring you into your body's wisdom with respect and trauma-informed safety – this will feel GOOD! You have my full commitment to deepen the self-connection relationship you have always deserved and will forever cherish.

My promise to you is…

which route can we take?

Somatics from a physical sensation

there is something you have felt or experienced in your body that is consistently asking for your attention. Let's safely explore those waters, one step at a time.

Somatics from an emotional state

let's meet emotions that are present in you currently from a different perspective, safely feeling into the gradual next steps of somatic expansion and healing.

picking the obvious starting point…

and following the path of your body. yOur somatic journey is likely to explore both of these routes, letting the current state of your body guide us from one to the other.

I want to book my first session session!

Then let's chat online for 20 minutes to get a feel for each other and for me to suggest a structure for our work together. There is no charge for this first call. If it's not our first time working together, booking of next appointments is always done via email.


  • Of course, read more about my background and my work here. jot some questions down (if you have any) so i can answer you in your intro call.

  • We will meet you where you are at, exploring either a physical sensation or emotional state using somatic practices to guide you through your experience. We can work on a specific concern, or tap into the sensations of what arises spontaneously. Somatics uses the languages of the body: movement, breath, touch and sound, which is what we will employ during our time together to reconnect you to your body. We will both explore sensation and discuss any revealed insights.

  • We'll be evaluating our compatibility to work together: I want to hear about your goals and tell you about how we can address them together. If we both feel a match, I'll send you a link to book your session(s).

  • Single sessions cost 90eur, packages of 4 sessions cost 320eur. This is paid online prior to sessions.

  • Currently, I have capacity for single session, or a package of 4 session where we can continue the work over time.

  • Both are possible! For those residing in Berlin, in-person sessions are available.

  • English and Portuguese (BR), and even if neither of those are your mother-tongue do not fret: I'm someone who has moved countries countless times and who knows how to hold space for expression that goes beyond verbal vocabulary.

  • It means we will work with the safety of your body, respect your limits and never ask you to go beyond them. Contrary to popular believe, we can safely expand your capacity to feel without pushing you to "breaking point". I am committed to working in safety and in the present moment, not asking you to be anywhere but the here and now.

  • Absolutely. Somatic practices are designed to meet you exactly where you are at and honour that fully.

  • I happy to reschedule your appointment with a 48hr notice if something in your schedule changes. Refunds, however, are not something I work with.